4 September 2024

Mayajaal: Experimental Fashion Inspired by Banjara Culture

Upcycled Materials Meet Traditional Design in Shruti Shrivastava's New Collection, Mayajaal

Drawing from the vibrant world of Banjara culture, Designer Shruti Shrivastava has created a line that celebrates nomadic heritage while addressing contemporary concerns.

Mayajaal's aesthetic is deeply rooted in Banjara traditions, featuring a bold color palette and intricate patterns characteristic of this nomadic community. Shrivastava's designs go beyond mere visual representation, embodying the Banjara philosophy of resourcefulness and adaptability. You can even see that oozing through these lovely photographs the designer shared with us.

Drawing from the vibrant world of Banjara culture, Designer Shruti Shrivastava has created a line that celebrates nomadic heritage while addressing contemporary concerns.

Mayajaal's aesthetic is deeply rooted in Banjara traditions, featuring a bold color palette and intricate patterns characteristic of this nomadic community. Shrivastava's designs go beyond mere visual representation, embodying the Banjara philosophy of resourcefulness and adaptability. You can even see that oozing through these lovely photographs the designer shared with us.

Central to the collection is the concept of upcycling. Shrivastava ingeniously repurposes industry waste materials, transforming them into wearable art. Hand-knitting features prominently in the collection, adding a personal touch and showcasing the designer's focus on preserving traditional craftsmanship. Intuitively, this technique also allows for greater customization and reduces the need for energy-intensive manufacturing processes.

It is apparent to us that the fluidity and freedom in the garments encourage wearers to explore their own identities, mirroring the Banjara's nomadic journey. By blending cultural homage with sustainable practices, Shruti Shrivastava has created a collection that speaks to both our past and our future. It's a thoughtful exploration of how fashion can honor traditions while paving the way for more responsible industry practices.

Image Courtesy Shruti Shrivastava

Image Courtesy Shruti Shrivastava

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